STEM in Early Childhood

STEM in Early Childhood

With all the advancements in the STEM areas, adding STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) to the developmental stages of children can be overwhelming. However, it is important for parents and educators to build a STEM foundation in early childhood. Parents,...
Brain Treat for the Holidays

Brain Treat for the Holidays

Can you imagine a more welcome holiday treat than one that might help to make children more alert during the learning process or more reflective during the creative process? How about a simple gift that could help parents curb the effects of stress during this busy...
Teaching Children Phonemes

Teaching Children Phonemes

From the moment they are born, children are exposed to words, music and sounds. Almost immediately, children start developing oral language skills as they process their environment and bond with parents, siblings, and caregivers. Newborns learn to speak their native...