Emotional Labor in Childcare

Emotional Labor in Childcare

    Childcare involves far more than physical tasks; it also requires significant emotional labor. Nannies are expected to remain patient, supportive, and nurturing, even when dealing with stressful or challenging situations. Emotional labor, a concept...
Ethics of Nannying

Ethics of Nannying

  Nannying is a unique profession that often blurs the lines between personal and professional boundaries. Nannies work intimately with families, forming close bonds with the children they care for while maintaining professional responsibilities. The ethics of...
Mindful Living for Nannies

Mindful Living for Nannies

Carefully Curated Thoughts on a Few Weeks of Truly Mindful Living to Help Nannies  by Dr. Linda Karges-Bone Life happens. Sometimes that little adage becomes more than a saying on a tote bag or travel mug. Sometimes, life throws each or all of us a curve ball and we...
Holiday Countdown

Holiday Countdown

Let’s Count Down to the Winter HolidaysFun and Practical Critical Thinking Skills That Incorporate the Season by Dr. Linda Karges-Bone As the Winter holiday season draws near,  nannies find themselves frantically keeping pace with school performances, holiday...