For the Nanny or Parent who seeks ways to enhance, extend, and empower language usage among their charges, a seemingly simple, yet quite sophisticated of tasks using the alphabet can be a lifesaver on long afternoons, car rides, or waiting for appointments. We begin...
Remember the Industrial Age? The Information Age? Well, move over futurists, it is time for a new age, one that profoundly impacts parents, teachers, nannies, and students. Drawing on the proposal made by Daniel Pink in A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule...
Just when you thought that there couldn’t possibly be anything new in your teaching repertoire, re-think the old vinyl beach ball. Inexpensive, the beach ball teaching tool is a great way to jazz up instruction through gender-friendly practices. Not only is the beach...
Can you imagine a more welcome holiday treat than one that might help to make children more alert during the learning process or more reflective during the creative process? How about a simple gift that could help parents curb the effects of stress during this busy...