The Summer of Our Discontent

The Summer of Our Discontent

An Opinion Shaper by Linda Karges-Bone “Now is the Winter of our discontent. Made glorious by this sun of York;“ William Shakespeare, from Richard III In the summer of 1967, I was 8 years old and while already a voracious and accomplished reader, I doubt that the...
Fatigue: Creativity Enemy #1

Fatigue: Creativity Enemy #1

Attempting to teach and lead and grow during a time of stress, causes fatigue… the enemy of creativity and growth. Often, one anticipates a more scholarly or fancy recommendation from a life coach. Yet, when I analyzed my last five encounters with typically successful...
Perfection: A Flawless and Boring State

Perfection: A Flawless and Boring State

A Guide to A More Balanced Nanny Life by Dr. Linda Karges-Bone “Ring the bells that still can ring  Forget your perfect offering There is a crack in everything That’s how the light gets in.” ― Leonard Cohen   The Back Story One Sunday afternoon last Spring, I...