

Childcare Articles and Resources

The US Nanny Association is a platform to share expert childcare articles, information about child development and tools to help parents, nannies  and childcare businesses navigate our industry. We welcome guest speakers and authors.
5 Senses of Stress Reduction

5 Senses of Stress Reduction

Soothe Away Chronic Stress and Pain with Brain-Friendly Remedies “If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” Marcus Aurelius What did the Roman...

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Every word counts ages 0-4

Every word counts ages 0-4

It is what you say and how much you say it Headlines in prestigious publications and talking heads on annoying streaming platforms have a lot to say about the current, controversial, and in this professor’s mind catastrophic practice of retaining children at the end...

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Summer Reading Tips for Young Children

Summer Reading Tips for Young Children

Summertime means a break from routine. Less time spent in childcare or pre-school, a relaxing of bedtime, visits to grandparents and cousins. These are all valuable and restful experiences for young children, or at least they can be if you plan well! But there is one school-rule that you should not ignore during your child’s time away from the classroom.

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Fatigue: Creativity Enemy #1

Fatigue: Creativity Enemy #1

Attempting to teach and lead and grow during a time of stress, causes fatigue… the enemy of creativity and growth. Often, one anticipates a more scholarly or fancy recommendation from a life coach. Yet, when I analyzed my last five encounters with typically successful...

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